Meridia Sells Nestle's Headquarters in Barcelona
Real Assets
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Real Assets
Meridia exits two significant portfolios
The alternative investment manager Meridia Capital is pleased to announce that today it has closed the sale of one portfolio comprising office and logistics assets from its vehicle...
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Case studies
| Corporate
| Reports
Meridia's 2023 Sustainability Report
We are pleased to announce the release of Meridia's 2023 Sustainability Report. This report underscores our continued dedication to generating long-term value in the real estate sector through our commitment to sustainability.
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| Real Assets
Meridia launches Real Estate Fund V and signs first deal
Meridia has announced the successful launch of its newest vehicle, Meridia V, after completing a first close. The fund is expected to be the largest vehicle raised to date by Meridia.
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Real Assets
Fifth acquisition under Meridia's agreement with Caterina
Meridia IV is pleased to announce the acquisition of a newly constructed residential building in the Cuatro Caminos area of Madrid.
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